Sunday, February 20, 2011

Weekly Wishlist

Well guys, I know I'm getting behind in posting, but I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off for the last week or so. I promise to write about Zombie Prom soon, and some other new happenings in my life (including some four legged furry ones) but in the mean time I thought I would start my weekly wishlist segment while I collect my thoughts and digest everything that's been going on in my life. 

Sometimes my wishlist will have a theme- sometimes it won't.

This weeks items are some things I want around the house. 

[Note: None of these photos are mine, photos are linked]

 1. Throw pillows:  I'm kind of obsessed but won't spend the money on them because I'm always finding ones I like even more than the last- and ultimately I get discouraged and decide I need a new couch to match my latest desire.

2. New "Main Room" Drapes: I bought some on a whim that I just don't like. But I can't decide what style/color is best; due to the layout of our apartment, its the main window in the living space but it serves both the kitchen and the living room.


3. Area Rug: Do you have any idea how hard it is to pick out a rug? A lot harder than it should be. I need one for my living room but haven't had any luck finding one locally. Not mention Nic and I have clashing tastes especially when it comes to rugs.

4.  Bedspread: I am tired of our bedspread, like most of our current home decor, when we moved into our new apartment (that was actually WORTH decorating and furnishing) we bought a lot of stuff in a rush because we "needed it"- our bedspread included. I DO like it, but its not my favorite.

5. Bookcases: We love books. Consequently, we own tons of them. We have two mismatch book shelves in our bedroom that I just can't stand!

And this guy. 

Because why the hell not?

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