Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Human Nature

I am constantly disheartened by the world and the people in it. I feel much too strongly about things that I can do nothing about. War. Hunger. Sickness. Corruption. Genocide. My heart breaks for strangers even when its closed to those around me.

I sign petitions, make donations, and the all little pleasantries- but more and more I feel that people have lost site of their own humanity, and feel that writing a check can clear their conscience. For some it works. For me it used to. But now? It's not enough. Nothing is ever enough.

The things that human beings are willing to do to other human beings disgust me. We are, after all, animals at our core, but our "intelligence" is just as hindering as it is helpful. We manipulate, lie, plot... things far beyond the regular order of the animal kingdom.

History almost inevitably repeats itself. People always get hurt. And the world falls deeper and deeper into a state of disrepair.

I can't even watch the news anymore. But I'm not any better for it. What the difference between me and the conspiracy theorist? The activist? The ignorant? The abomination? We are all lying to ourselves in some shape or form. And trying to paint a picture of the world we think we live in.

Still, from time to time I see or hear something that makes me heart stir once more. Something that makes me remember the good and true people out there living honest lives full of happiness and love.

Whether it's a random act of kindness, a whirlwind love story... or something as simple as waiting in the airport lobby for my sister and overseeing a man rush down the stairs from the terminal to his family at the baggage claim; crying shamelessly with joy as he embraced his young son... I am thankful for the reminder that, even if its ephemeral, there is still a shred of hope out there for the people of the world.

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