Thursday, February 10, 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

First off: I never understood the term "Seven Deadly Sins" because... and correct me if I'm wrong, sinning doesn't kill you it just bumps your name from the heavenly guest list? And, on that note, does anything that could maybe be classified as one of the "Seven" screw you over?

Anyway, my "twin" Jordan did this challenge, and I thought what the hell? (pun intended) 

Like JD, instead of splitting it up into a once daily post for seven days which can become incredibly redundant, I did it all at once for your reading pleasure. I admit, it was much more difficult than I expected. But I'm glad I did it.

Seven Deadly Sins

Pride: 7 great things about yourself

1. People frequently compliment my long, curly hair
2. I have ambition by the truck load- way more than most people I know
3. I’m good at drawing shark cartoons… really good.
4. My relationship has lasted over 4 years- far longer than most people my age.
5. I have a rapid metabolism that keeps me very thin with little to no effort
6. My apartment is super nice- especially for the price
7. Many girls want my height (5’ 8”)

Envy: 7 things you lack & covet

1. I have tiny breasts. I want bigger ones desperately.
2. I want to get married. Really bad.
3. I wish I was more musical. I would love to play an instrument (well) or be comfortable enough with my singing voice to actually let people hear it.
4. I’m unemployed for the first time ever, and I can’t express how jealous of people with jobs I am- and of the students who don’t have to work to stay afloat.
5. I want out of this town and I am tremendously envious of everyone who has managed to escape it.
6. Confidence- not ego- when it comes to my “image” would be outstanding. I want to feel like I look great even without make up or my hair combed or cute clothes.
7. Stability. I crave it with every fiber of my being. While I certainly have some of it in my life- I don’t know if I’ll ever really have enough.

Wrath: 7 things that make you mad

1. Narrow minded, prejudiced, and racist people are asking for a punch in the face.
2. People who use others as a doormat? Karma is coming for you.
3. GREEN HYDRANGEAS. Yeah. The flower. They piss me off.
4. Bad drivers. Get off the road.
5. Being put into a position that I don’t feel like I can say “no” makes me furious
6. Bullshit artists; you give Art a bad name and artists a stigma. Shame on you.
7. People who take me for granted or underestimate me. I hate you.

Sloth: 7 things you neglect to do

1. I don’t shower everyday. It takes too much time.
2. I hate doing homework. I put it off until the last minute.
3. I feed my cats when they start to “yell at me”
4. I haven’t ever had a “lady” doctor appointment. Even though I know I should.
5. In fact, I avoid going to the doctor until I think I’m dying.
6. I wait until the house is “a total mess” until I tidy it up
7. I don’t do laundry until I realize I’m on my last pair of undies.

Greed: 7 worldly material desires

1. A house of my own. A big one. With character and space. Designer quality furniture and décor in every room.
2. Antiques galore! I love nautical tools, tea settings, maps, guns, birdcages, books, clocks, photos, jewelry, instruments… all of it. The more history the better.
3. A ’67 Shelby Cobra. Cherry red (Or Shelby blue). White racing stripes. Leather interior.
4. My own business- a multilevel, high end restored historic building with vintage style boutique/antique shop, art gallery, tea shop, and rentable studio space for other artists.
5. A secret retreat cottage. Near the water, lots of land, cobblestone driveway, surrounded by trees, with a huge garden and peacocks wandering the grounds. A place where faeries would live.
6. A real “personal library”. I want wall to wall, floor to ceiling bookcases with one of those rolling ladders. I want more books than one could ever hope to read in a lifetime. And I want to share it with the people that mean the most to me.
7. An ever growing wardrobe full of vintage pieces and the latest trends. Something for every occasion- and an impressive selection of formal wear that the hottest celebrities would covet.

Gluttony: 7 guilty pleasures

1. I can eat a whole bag of popcorn in under ten minutes… and sometimes… when no one is around… I lick the bag.
2. I’m have a hard time being apart from Facebook- and I frequently look up people I don’t like to get my schadenfreude fix.
3. I will watch nonstop wedding TV if its on.
4. I will also watch nonstop Home & Garden TV… I’m watching “Selling New York” as I write this.
5. I spend a ridiculous amount of time researching and planning things that aren’t yet on the horizon: (i.e. moves across the world, weddings, grad school, homes, businesses…)
6. A constant intake of junk food is a must.
7. I spend way too much money... on soup... at Barnes & Noble

Lust: 7 love secrets

1. I’m addicted to push-up bras. And I have no qualms with showing them off.
2. Same with panties. I would go around pantless if it were socially acceptable (and I didn’t live in Alaska.. brrrrr!)
3. I have a lady crush on Mila Kunis.
4. I’m a sucker for classic love stories… especially the tragedies.
5. I can’t get enough kisses.
6. If “Victoria” was a real person? I’d be her best friend. And know all her secrets.
7. I. Love. Holding. Hands. At home. In public. In bed. At the movies. In the car. Always. 

Send me your top sin of each category!

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