Sunday, February 6, 2011

DIY: Pocket Watch Clock

I absolutely love DIY projects. And I am constantly adding things to my to do list. Unfortunately, I scarcely have time/money/resources to actually complete anything. I am trying really hard to change that.

One project I did mange to finish, that I'm really proud of, is my pocket watch clock.
While frequenting Design*Sponge I stumbled across this picture and fell in love:

For step-by-step instructions to recreate this for yourself, visit here.
Everything about this, the books, the weathered table, the green chair... and especially the clock.

I decided I NEEDED it. Or at least, something similar.

While I regretfully didn't take pictures of the process, I have proudly created my own version of it and hung it above my entertainment center for all my guests to admire.

Nic had to awkwardly cut the dowel with a skill saw because we didn't have a better option on hand, and it took several attempts of various glues (in retrospect hot glue would have been fine had I thought to use it) to get the end of it to stay on. I also had problems painting the dowel, as I used spray paint rather than a wood-friendly craft paint (I couldn't find the equivalent of the color I wanted in a more appropriate media in town) and so it was very uneven and runny in places and I had to do several coats to make it work. It was more work than I had planned for- but still relatively simple and well worth the effort!

I couldn't be happier with how it turned out! I choice a less abrasive gold, and held off on the leafing. I chose a larger clock (one with a map of Europe in the back that I had been ogling over for months at our local Fred Meyer) and opted for a shorter chain. And I only got a little bit of paint on myself.

As I mentioned, I have a rather expansive wishlist of DIY to-do's. Here's just a few of the many on Design*Sponge that I've got my eye on:

Framed Display Box

Bird Mobile

Tea Cup Candles

Tea Shelf


  1. If I was there, or you were here... We should have a DIY Day. And just tackle everything from Design Sponge. It would be awesome. BTW. When is Zombie Prom?

  2. DIY day would be amazing!

    And Zombie Prom is this coming weekend. I'll be sure to post about it. Either on here or on STTS. Or both with different tones?

  3. AMEN. on both.
    I can't wait to see your costume. =)
